Where do I even START?! I am going to break this up into a few blogs...so read all of them!! I'll begin with my flights :) I left the states on Sunday at about 1:30pm. My mom and dad came to Mike and I's apartment early in the morning and we got everything ready. Check-in was pretty easy, but saying goodbye was SO HARD!! We were all tearing up...but luckily my mom and grandma are coming to visit, and Mike will visit about a month after they leave.
My first flight was to Chicago. A very nice lady sat by me on the plane, headed to Frankfurt for 4 months to babysit her niece, she seemed very excited. When we landed I had to ride to another terminal, budge to the front of the security line and RUN (literally) to catch my plane...they were holding it for me...but NOT my fault!! This was now my long flight from Chicago to Stockholm, Sweden, on a HUGE plane! We had our own small private TV screens, but I couldn't listen to my Zune because somehow it got shattered in my purse...how that happened I have NO IDEA!! When I landed in Stockholm, with less than a half-hour layover, I budged in security once again and RAN to my plane (again)...they were PAGING ME...like big-time you're late and get your butt here!
When I landed in Norway, I followed the crowd and gathered my two suitcases. I asked to help finding my bus, and when it came, the bus driver was VERY nice. He showed me exactly where to get a taxi after I got off the bus :) It took me about 200 Nok (48$) to get from the airport to my school. Things are CRAZY expensive here...as I'm sure you know...but once you're here you realize how much money you are spending...it's NUTS!
I went into the college and met Inger Marie, the International Coordinator, and she took me to my room. I will try to post some pictures. It is basically just like a dorm. Small bathroom and rooms in long hallways (they say corridors). I then took a small nap and met her again to pick up my internet modem and sign the housing agreement. The housing is not owned by the college, but it is where students live, so I'm basically "renting a dorm".
While getting my modem I met Anette, from Finland, who happens to have the room right next to me. We made fast friends! After another long nap (trying to crush the jet-lag), Anette and I met some Norwegian students here that go to the University of Oslo that live in our corridor. We watched TV, talked, and one was kind enough to share some dinner with us (as we had not been to a grocery store yet).
I was able to chat with Mike before bed :) and slept fairly well in my small bed.
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