Sjoa was what I needed to feel safe here in Norway. I made some amazing friends and now I feel much more comfortable at school and in Oslo. We did hear when we got back that Anette's grandmother passed away. That has been really hard for her, obviously. Monday we visited Plan Norge, the agency that we will be doing project work with for one of my classes here. This project is helping me to get closer with the 3rd year students here, because right now I feel much more comfortable with my 2nd grade class.

We had a slow week until Thursday when we had early breakfast, class, and Anette's parents and sister arrived here. They already had tickets to visit, so they still came and then Anette went home with them yesterday (Sunday). I met them for a minute and then went to the first choir rehearsal...Gospel of Becca is the name of the group and it is directed by my friend Helena. It was AMAZING, it feels SO GOOD to sing again and not have the pressure of the Concordia Gods looking down on you. I could only handle choir for a year and half at Concordia before I felt like it was taking over my life. This is much more relaxed...no music, just learning by memory and making it work. I was in SUCH a great mood afterward...I can't wait to see what we can do. Also, Aleks and Filip made us a Norwegian meal that night...lamb and cabbage, it was actually really good. But we made it awesome by teaching everyone words and just laughing for a good time.

Friday I had dinner with Anette's family at an Italian restaurant, they are SO NICE, I'm really glad I got the chance to meet them and spend some time with them. Only a week and a half before my mom and grandma get here! That night we watched movies at Aleks', just like every other night that week. Amazing how you can make best friends in a matter of days :) Saturday I went mini-golfing with my boys. We had a blast, and I really felt at home finally. We got together later for some drinks at Aleks', watching videos, listening to music, and having a blast. Kristin joined us..she is SUCH a sweet girl...Love her!! It was a late night, but sooo worth it. I've officially found my crew here...I'm safe.
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