Monday, September 20, 2010

4 Weeks

Soo it's been about 2 weeks since I have blogged :(  I've been having a great time and not been wanting to blog...sorry all!  So I will break up the last 2 weeks.  Good thing for you - I've forgotten all the details, so now you just get the important stuff!!  I'll focus on my weekends :)

Tuesday the 7th I went to the Central station and picked up Jordan Lutz (from Concordia) along with 2 of his friends.  One was staying is Oslo for a few days, and Jordan and Dan were on their way to Rome.  Their friend had no idea where he was going, and neither did I, so he called some random person and the 4 of us managed to walk ourselves through downtown Oslo and find him.  But we didn't know what he looked like and his friend ended up walking up to some random guy at one point...SO FUNNY!  Eventually we got rid of him, got them subway passes, peeked at the royal palace, stopped at a grocery store and Dan bought 3 PIZZAS, and we made it back to my place.  We chatted about Norway, had some pizza, and they went to bed pretty early.  Then we all got up at 5:30 AM and I showed them the way to the subway stop...Jordan you totally owe me one!!

The next day Anette and I went with Susanne from the 3rd year to the class party.  It was about 45 minutes out of Oslo on someone's farm.  He lived there by himself in this HUGE nice house.  Let's just say we were a little under-dressed.  I'm used to college's not really like that here (some places).  It wasn't my favorite event here so far, but it was really good to meet some new people, including 2 older guys that came on the student trip, so it was nice to get to know them a bit.  It is so strange going to school with people who are older and have children..SO not used to that at Concordia. 

That night was also occupied by packing...for SJOA!!  Ahem...NEXT BLOG!! 

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