Tuesday, August 31, 2010


...In Norway.  Monday I had no school, but I had to get up at 6:30 AM to go to the immigration office.  That is ridiculously early for me, really.  Thankfully we had ridden past it when we were out on Saturday, so we found it easily.  That was my first time riding public transportation without a Norwegian student with me!  Anette and I found our way in..and then were re-directed to a huge line waiting outside...like LONG LINE.  The doors eventually opened and when we went to get numbers, the lady said that Anette didn't even have to be there!  So I waited out by myself (I was number 46) and after about 1.25 hours, which is really short considering, I got called to window #3.  I gave her all my paperwork, and their system wasn't working, so she disappeared for a bit.  Eventually, everything was good, and I had a picture taken for my passport...I looked absolutely AWFUL because I woke up at 6:30 and put clothes on...yuck. 

Afterwards, I made my way to a tram stop (Lightrail) and hopped on the right one to get back to the Central Station.  There I got some headache medicine and went to Trafikanten to get my monthly transit pass.  I had already spent 260 Nok on transit in less than a week, so I decided to spend money my money more wisely on a monthly pass for 340 Nok.  While I was there I got some brochures on Oslo, so I intend to read them soon!

Then I took a new way home :)  ..by myself, and when I reached Majorstua, decided to walk around a bit.  I dipped into a few small shops and made my way home slowly.  It was a nice day and I had it all to myself.  I came home and took a long nap!  I did some homework later and prepared for the week, only to get super sad about my time here.  I really miss my things, my pets, my space, my people...etc.  BUT with some help from Mike and Jake, I am feeling better today.  I realize that at school in Moorhead, I like my time to myself anyways...so I am just going to keep up in my classes and pretend that I am there!

Today we had a short class, and only 3 remain in that course (!), and after Matthias and I signed up for the student trip.  It leaves next Thursday, and I signed up for rafting and a ropes course.  What a great way to spend a weekend but camping in the forest and doing adventurous things!  Totally my deal...so I'm hoping it's great! 

Now I am doing boring homework...This is a picture of the opera house we visited on Saturday.

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